Thursday, November 15, 2007

TV viewings and its connection with ideology

Your preferences for TV programmes determines whether you are conservative, moderate or liberal. Do read.
As per the findings, it seems I am closest to moderate.
    - Unlike conservatives, though, moderates watch all the broadcast networks (I mostly watch everything, as long as it interests me, including cartoons)
    - Over 82% of conservatives say they never watch MTV. (Well, I do watch MTV)
    - you are more likely to find them (liberals) watching comedies than moderates or conservatives. (I do watch comedies)
    - While conservatives are more likely than all other respondents to watch action adventures and business and sports programming, that’s exactly the programming that liberals are less likely to watch.(I prefer the action movies, business, science and sports channels, but the liberal favourite, music too)
    - Moderates’ favorite music is rock (58%). (I mostly listen to rock)
    - Liberals are more likely to watch documentaries and art shows (which I avoid)
Of course, if someone likes Deepa Mehta and Meera Nair movies or MF Hussain paintings, they are most likely leftist pseudo-secular pseudo-liberals. And probably dhimmis too.


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